first, make sure you don't have another :TEXT: event within that script which intercepts that event, preventing any lower TEXT event handler within that script from seeing the event.

on *:TEXT:*:#lanfusion: {      echo # test1 $+(<,$nick,>) $1- }
on *:TEXT:*test*:#lanfusion: { echo # test2 $+(<,$nick,>) $1- }

In the above examples, the 2nd event handler is never seen because all events match the 1st handler's text. If the 2nd handler were moved to a different script, then it's possible for something to match both.

Next, try a debug event that shows all text in that channel, so you can see exactly what's being sent by the message you're trying to match. To make sure it doesn't interfere with your existing handler, put the following code in a different remote script file:

on *:TEXT:*:#lanfusion:{
  noop $regsubex(foo,$parms,,,&temp)
  ; if using older mirc version, instead of above, use:
  ; bset -t &temp 1 $1-
  var %stripped $calc($len($1-) - $len($strip($1-)))
  echo -gc info2 # debug nick len= $nick CtrlCodes= $+ %stripped len $len($parms) as Text: $1-
  echo -gc info2 # debug nick len= $nick $bvar(&temp,0) as Binary: $bvar(&temp,1-999)
  echo -gc info2 # debug nick len= $nick $bvar(&temp,0) as BinHex: $regsubex($bvar(&temp,1-999),/(\d+)/g,$base(\1,10,16,2))

This should show more detail about the message you're trying to match.