anyone from u guys can help me to give ban to the user who put badword on text and to be baned for the badword example: stupid i have in my badword.list added in this way /bwadd stupi*

this way is matched dhe badword wilcard in badword.list

Mike says : stupid
Jimmy sets mode: +b *!*
[4 Mike Wrote Stupid ] 6Matched On BadWord List. 4 [ stupi* ]

Now on full text cant match the badword 'stupid'

Mike says : You my friend are "stupid" so get lost now
(no ban)

on *:start:{ $iif(!$isfile(badword.list),.write badword.list) | .hmake badword 100 | .hload badword badword.list }
#bwaddon on
on *:text:*:#: badword $1-
on *:action:*:#: badword $1-
alias -l badword {
if ($nick(#,$nick,oh%&~)) { return }
if ($me isop $chan) {
if $hfind(badword,$strip($1-),1,W).data {
ban -u300 $chan $nick 2
echo -a $token(%:c,%c,32) [ 6BADWORD ] $strip($1-) Matched From Badword List. $+([,$chr(32),$hget(badword,$hfind(badword,$strip($1-),1,W).data),$chr(32),])
var %:c $regsubex($chr(-,$hfind($strip($1-),1,W)),/./g, $iiif ($regex($1-,$+(/(?<![a-z\d])\Q,$read(badword,\E,\\E\Q,$chr(32),\E|\Q),\E(?![a-z\d])/Si))) {
var %c = 1
while %c <= $token(%:c,0,32) {

i belive is something wrong in this regex to match string on full text user speaker

var %:c $regsubex($chr(-,$hfind($strip($1-),1,W)),/./g, $iiif ($regex($1-,$+(/(?<![a-z\d])\Q,$read(badword,\E,\\E\Q,$chr(32),\E|\Q),\E(?![a-z\d])/Si))) {

something like that i need help guys pls any idea suggestion how to fix this problem ?

Last edited by Tano; 18/04/18 03:45 AM.