It's been a long time since I've looked at this. It's my fault for not being clear. So let's ask this again but a different way.

The goal is to have use color codes or bold in statements similar to those below. I've noticed however that when using them, it seems to break things.

The first line has no control characters. The second have bold wrapped around them.
say test $$1, text
say test $$1, text
say test $$1 , text
say test $$1 $+ $chr(44) text

Produces this:
test username, text
test $$1, text
test $$1 , text
test $$1, text

Usually you'd use an escape sequence in most scripting languages, like the `\` in php. Is there an escape character or escape sequence for mirc scripting? If not, how would you get around that little irritation?

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