So, after a little bit work I realized that using the new "decapi" is a bit simpler. However, I still don't know what I should be pulling from the link


It shows the last follower, so I know that I would have to:

-Repeatedly check the site (every 10-20 seconds if possible)
-Save the name/follower to a variable (probably a text/ini file as well to prevent spamming)
-Check the variable (%recentfollow) return
-Check the file ($readini(followers.ini,n,#,%newfollower)) return
-if neither of those are true then msg $chan with that user being the new follower

My problem is mainly that I get frustrated quickly trying to learn this stuff... I know most of the basic stuff, but sockets and everything just, get to me.

Last edited by Bramzee; 01/04/17 12:55 AM.