Do you guys know a good script for resubs and welcoming new subs, but with no colour. The one I currently use has colour and I would like it just plain. Here's what it look likes Also, I would like one with resub as well eek

This is the script I currently use for new subscribers and the gyazo above shows example of what it looked like:
on 1:TEXT:*subscribed*:#lirik:{
if ( $nick == twitchnotify ) && ($istok($1-,subscribed to,32)) halt
elseif ($nick == twitchnotify) && ( $4 == $null ) { describe $chan Welcome $1 lirikH $+ ! }

This one was my old one, with just plain text, no colour highlight. This one doesn't seem to work due to update:
on *:text:*subscribed*:#lirik: {
if ($nick == twitchnotify) {
if (!$4) {
msg $chan welcome $1 lirikH enjoy your stay lirikH
elseif (to !isin $1-) {
msg $chan welcome back $1 lirikH

Hope to hear from one of you guys soon! laugh

Last edited by thewizard_123; 06/07/16 12:15 AM.