When using $isalias it does not return the full alias definition when using the .alias property. It appears somewhat inconsistent depending where your alias is and if it uses multiple lines.

If its in the alias's file and its one line:
/h /echo -a Hey

$isalias(h).alias returns: /echo -a Hey

If its in the alias's file and its multiple lines:
/h {
echo -a Hey

$isalias(h).alias returns: {

If its in the remotes file and its single line:
alias example { echo -a Hey }

$isalias(example).alias returns: example { echo -a Hey }

(Multiline also doesnt work in remotes but its pretty much the same as above except returns: example { )

So as you can see it always removes the first "token" of the alias line which is completely inconsistent due to the alias keyword in remotes. Plus it doesnt give you the full alias. It appears this functionality is pretty much useless.

That being said, I have no idea how you would handle multiline alias code...

Last edited by Plornt; 02/11/15 12:06 PM.