Hello everyone! o/

I am trying to get a bot to read a random line from a text file. Nothing too out of the ordinary there.

It even does work, but not at first or after as little as 10 minutes of bot inactivity. But once "activated", it will return a line from the text file without issues.


A relevant command will be entered and the bot will not do anything. Wait for the flood control to expire, do the exact same command, now the bot will respond correctly.

Now, if the bot goes inactive, when you try the command again, it will not respond. Starting the above process over.

The status window in mIRC says "/msg: insufficient parameters (line 15, remote.ini)" for the time that nothing happens. But will not show any errors for the time it does work (makes sense lol).

This is driving me crazy, as it does technically work. Thoughts?

n10=on *:text:*Test*:#: {
n11= if ((%floodTest) || ($($+(%,floodTest.,$nick),2))) { return }
n12= set -u10 %floodTest On
n13= set -u30 %floodTest $+ $nick On
n14= msg $chan $read(Test.txt)