I did end up contacting westor and he fixed the code he had written to get it to work. It is still in increments of 25 points per bet, but thats fine. I just helped a little with some grammar mistakes (I may of missed some, but oh well)

For anyone interested for later readers, here it is.

ON !*:TEXT:*:#: {
  tokenize 32 $strip($1-,burci)
  if ($1 == !bet) {
    if (!$check_mod($nick,$chan)) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, you are NOT a channel moderator! | return }
    if (!$2) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, try again and enter the correct value, more info at !bethelp | return }
    if ($2 == open) || ($2 == start) || ($2 == on) {
      if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
      if (%bet) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is already a bet running. Try again later or use !bet stop to stop the bet! | return }
      set -e %bet $nick $chan
      .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): The BET has been started. Use !win or !lose to enter the bet and wager 25 of your points.
    if ($2 == stop) || ($2 == end) || ($2 == off) {
      if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
      if (!%bet) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is NOT any bet running. Try again later or use !bet open to start a new bet! | return }
      unset %bet_win %bet_lose %bet %bet_pause
      .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): The BET has been stopped.
    if ($2 == resume) {
      if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
      if (!%bet) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is NOT any bet running. Try again later or use !bet open to start a new bet! | return }
      if (!%bet_pause) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is NOT any bet paused right now! | return }
      unset %bet_pause
      .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): The BET has been resumed.
    if ($2 == pause) {
      if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
      if (!%bet) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is NOT any bet running. Try again later or use !bet open to start a new bet! | return }
      if (%bet_pause) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, the BET is already paused! | return }
      set -e %bet_pause $nick
      .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): The BET has been paused.
    if ($2 == result) || ($2 == results) {
      if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
      if (!%bet) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is NOT any bet running. Try again later or use !bet open to start a new bet! | return }
      if (!$3) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, try again and enter the result win or lose . | return }
      if ($3 == win) || ($3 == won) {
        if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
        .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ) The BET has been stopped to result in a win..
        if (!%bet_win) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): There is NOT any user bet for win. }
        elseif (%bet_win) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): The BET nick(s) are %bet_win - (Total: $numtok(%bet_win,44) $+ ) }
        if (%bet_lose) { bet_delpoints $chan %bet_lose }
        if (%bet_win) { bet_addpoints $chan %bet_win }
        unset %bet_win %bet_lose %bet %bet_pause
      if ($3 == lose) || ($3 == lost) {
        if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
        .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ) The BET has been stopped to result in a loss..
        if (!%bet_lose) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): There is NOT any user bet for lose. }
        elseif (%bet_lose) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): The BET nick(s) are %bet_lose - (Total: $numtok(%bet_lose,44) $+ ) }
        if (%bet_lose) { bet_addpoints $chan %bet_lose }
        if (%bet_win) { bet_delpoints $chan %bet_win }
        unset %bet_win %bet_lose %bet %bet_pause
  if ($1 == !win) {
    if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
    if (!%bet) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is NOT any bet running. Try again later or use !bet open to start a new bet! | return }
    if (%bet_pause) { return }
    var %fix = $chan $+ . $+ $nick
    var %p = $readini(Points.ini,n,%fix,Points)
    if (!%p) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, you don't have any points yet. You must have at least 25 points to enter the bet! | return }
    if (%p < 25) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, you have %p points but you must have at least 25 points to enter the bet! | return }
    if ($istok(%bet_win,$nick,44)) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, You have already bet at win! | return }
    if ($istok(%bet_lose,$nick,44)) { set -e %bet_lose $remtok(%bet_lose,$nick,1,44) | var %ch = 1 }
    set -e %bet_win $addtok(%bet_win,$nick,44)
    .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): You $iif(%ch,have change your,have) bet for a win. - Good luck!
  if ($1 == !lose) || ($1 == !lost) {
    if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
    if (!%bet) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is NOT any bet running. Try again later or use !bet open to start a new bet! | return }
    if (%bet_pause) { return }
    var %fix = $chan $+ . $+ $nick
    var %p = $readini(Points.ini,n,%fix,Points)
    if (!%p) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, you don't have any points yet. You must have at least 25 points to enter the bet! | return }
    if (%p < 25) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, you have %p points but you must have at lease 25 points to enter the bet! | return }
    if ($istok(%bet_lose,$nick,44)) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, You have already bet at lose! | return }
    if ($istok(%bet_win,$nick,44)) { set -e %bet_win $remtok(%bet_win,$nick,1,44) | var %ch = 1 }
    set -e %bet_lose $addtok(%bet_lose,$nick,44)
    .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): You $iif(%ch,have change your,have) bet for a loss. - Good luck!
  if ($1 == !remove) {
    if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
    if (!%bet) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is NOT any bet running. Try again later or use !bet open to start a new bet! | return }
    if (%bet_pause) { return }
    if ($istok(%bet_lose,$nick,44)) { set -e %bet_lose $remtok(%bet_lose,$nick,1,44) | .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): You have been removed from the bet for lose! }
    elseif ($istok(%bet_win,$nick,44)) { set -e %bet_win $remtok(%bet_win,$nick,1,44) | .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): You have been removed from the bet for win! }
    else { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, you have NOT bet yet! }
  if ($1 == !results) || ($1 == !stats) {
    if (!$check_mod($nick,$chan)) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, you are NOT a channel moderator! | return }
    if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
    if (!%bet) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is NOT any bet running. Try again later or use !bet open to start a new bet! | return }
    if (%bet_pause) { return }
    .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Bet(s) at win: $iif(%bet_win,$numtok(%bet_win,44),0)
    .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Bet(s) at lose: $iif(%bet_lose,$numtok(%bet_lose,44),0)
    .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Total Bet(s): $calc($iif(%bet_win,$numtok(%bet_win,44),0) + $iif(%bet_lose,$numtok(%bet_lose,44),0))
  if ($1 == !mybet) {
    if (%bet) && ($gettok(%bet,2,32) !== $chan) { return }
    if (!%bet) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, there is NOT any bet running. Try again later or use !bet open to start a new bet! | return }
    if (%bet_pause) { return }
    if ($istok(%bet_lose,$nick,44)) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): You have bet at lose! }
    elseif ($istok(%bet_win,$nick,44)) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): You have bet at win! }
    else { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): Error, you have NOT bet yet! }
  if ($1 == !bethelp) { .msg $chan ( $+ $nick $+ ): BET Commands are: !bet open - !bet stop - !bet pause - !bet resume - !bet result win/lose - !win - !lose - !remove - !results - !mybet }

alias check_mod {
  if (!$1) { return }
  if (!$2) { return }
  if ($me !ison $2) { return 0 }
  if ($1 !ison $2) { return 0 }
  var %f = mods.txt
  if (!$isfile(%f)) { return 0 }
  if (!$lines(%f)) { return 0 }
  var %r = $read(%f,nw,$1)
  if (%r) { return 1 }
  elseif (!%r) { return 0 }

alias bet_addpoints {
  if (!$1) { return }
  if (!%bet) { return }
  var %GIVE_POINTS = 25
  var %c = $1
  var %l = $2
  var %t = $numtok(%l,44)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %t) {
    var %n = $gettok(%l,%i,44)
    var %fix = %c $+ . $+ %n
    var %p = $calc($readini(Points.ini,%fix,Points) + %give_points)
    if (%n) { writeini -n $qt(Points.ini) %fix Points %p }
    inc %i

alias bet_delpoints {
  if (!$1) { return }
  if (!%bet) { return }
  var %TAKE_POINTS = 25
  var %c = $1
  var %l = $2
  var %t = $numtok(%l,44)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %t) {
    var %n = $gettok(%l,%i,44)
    var %fix = %c $+ . $+ %n
    var %p = $calc($readini(Points.ini,%fix,Points) - %take_points)
    if (%n) { writeini -n $qt(Points.ini) %fix Points %p }
    inc %i