It's nothing unusual, just a loop for loading .ini contents:

on *:dialog:msgdx:init:*:{
  mdx MarkDialog $dname
  mdx SetDialog $dname style tool title
  mdx SetControlMDX $dname 11 ListView grid rowselect report > views.mdx
  did -i $dname 11 1 headerdims 70 170 360 90
  did -i $dname 11 1 headertext $+(ID,$chr(9),NAME,$chr(9),MESSAGE,$chr(9),ACTION)
  did -f $dname 4
  .timer -h 1 50 dx.load $dname 11

alias dx.load {
  if ($dialog($1)) {
    var %tmp = 1, %tot = $ini("sysdata\dxtemp.ini",basic,0)
    while (%tmp <= %tot) {
      var %1 = $gettok($readini("sysdata\dxtemp.ini",basic,%tmp),1,33)
      var %2 = $gettok($readini("sysdata\dxtemp.ini",basic,%tmp),2,33)
      var %3 = $gettok($readini("sysdata\dxtemp.ini",basic,%tmp),3,33)
      var %4 = $gettok($readini("sysdata\dxtemp.ini",basic,%tmp),4,33)
      did -a $1 $2 $+(0 0 0 %1,$chr(9),%2,$chr(9),%3,$chr(9),%4)
      inc %tmp

File dxtemp.ini contains 3,400 records. When loading, the problem that i mentioned in my first post accurs.