I use this to copy/paste entire channel/query/status buffers. Just put this into the alias tab and run "/chancopy" in whatever channel/query you want to copy, then paste the output into notepad or whatever.

; Copy entire Channel/query/status buffer.. 
; Created by: Wiz126 
; Date: Dec 25, 2012
; Original:
; //var %l = 1, %s = $line(#, 0) | clipboard | while (%l <= %s) { clipboard -an $line(#, %l) | inc %l }
; Copy for alias tab 

chancopy { 
  var %l = 1, %s = $line($active, 0) 
  while (%l <= %s) { 
    clipboard -an $line($active, %l) 
    inc %l 