Hey there,

forum really helped me out so far but now iam stucked with the Script i have.
I have a Slot machine, where you have to sign up first and then your able to play. All works so far but i want to add, that if someone stays on my channel, he gets points over time too. Lets say 10 in 5min. Ofc there are Topics here about it and i tried to fix them working with my script, but i failed smirk

Would be very thankfull, if someone can help me out.

Thats the Code:
on *:LOAD:{
  SET %symbol.0 ANELE 
  SET %symbol.1 Jebaited 
  SET %symbol.2 HassanChop 
  SET %symbol.3 HeyGuys 
  SET %symbol.4 Kappa 
  SET %symbol.5 MVGame 
  SET %symbol.6 SwiftRage 

on *:TEXT:!pull*:#: {
  if ($chan == #market) { halt }
  if ($address($nick,2) == $readini(slots.ini,registered,$address($nick,2))) {
    msg $chan $nick zieht an der slot machine...
    SET %col.0 %symbol. [ $+ [ $rand(0,8) ] ]
    SET %col.1 %symbol. [ $+ [ $rand(0,8) ] ]
    SET %col.2 %symbol. [ $+ [ $rand(0,8) ] ]
    set %coins $rand(1,10)
    IF (%col.0 == %col.1) && (%col.1 == %col.2) { set %coins $rand(100,1000) | msg $chan %col.0  ||  %col.1  ||  %col.2  || $nick hat %coins Hartgeld gewonnen. Gratz! | writeini slots.ini player $address($nick,2) $calc($readini(slots.ini,player,$address($nick,2)) + %coins )) }
    if (%col.0 != %col.1) || (%col.0 != %col.2) { msg $chan %col.0  ||  %col.1  ||  %col.2  || $nick hat %coins Hartgeld verloren. Schade. | writeini slots.ini player $address($nick,2) $calc($readini(slots.ini,player,$address($nick,2)) - %coins )) }
    unset %pull
    unset %coins
   else { 
    msg $chan $nick Du hast kein Guthaben! Registrier dich mit !Start um 1000 Hartgeld zu erhalten }  
on *:TEXT:!Start*:#: {
  if ($address($nick,2) == $readini(slots.ini,registered,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $nick du bist bereits registriert }
  else { writeini slots.ini player $address($nick,2) 1000 | writeini slots.ini registered $address($nick,2) $address($nick,2) | msg $chan $nick dir wurden 1000 Hartgeld für den Start gutgeschrieben }
on *:TEXT:!checkme*:#: {
  if ($chan == #market) { halt }
  msg $chan $nick hat $readini(slots.ini,player,$address($nick,2)) Hartgeld!

and thats what is written in the Slots.ini
