Ok, i've been racking my brain for weeks over this, and i just can't get it.
*what i'm trying to accomplish*
I want to make a list of herbs with separate values, Upon adding "herbs" Like !addherb Thistle 3, it says ok you added 3 thistles each = 5 HP,Calc 3*5=15, in essence converting the number into HP..Then on the command !heal <nick> <value>
It will heal the selected nick for how much specified, if there are no herbs/heals state, Error.

this is all i've managed to come up with

on *:TEXT:!viewparcel*:#:{
if ($nick == Susista) {
msg $chan

on *:TEXT:!addparcel*:#:{
if ($nick == Susista) {
set %Herb $2
set %herbval $3
msg $chan You've added $2 to your parcel!
on *:TEXT:!delparcel*:#:{
if ($nick == Susista) {
del %Herb $2
del %herbval 3
msg $chan You've removed $2 to your parcel!

on *:TEXT:!useparcel*:#:{
if ($user == Susista) || ($2 isin %parcel) || ($3 == $nick) {
var %herb $2
msg $chan 8,1~7Susista has healed $3 with $2 they have full health and thirst!
Do_heal %heal
alias Do_heal {
if (%health [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 100) {
.msg $chan 5,1[[ $+ %theme $+ $2 $+ 5]]15You already have full health & cannot be healed! 5]]

var %restore = $iif($calc( %herbval - %health [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) < %heal, $v1, $v2)

if (%restore <= 0) {
msg $chan 5,1[[ $+ %theme $+ $nick $+ 5]]15 that does not exist.

dec %heal %restore
inc %health [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %restore

msg $nick 5,1[[ $+ %theme $+ $2 $+ 5]]15 You Have Just been healed by Susista and restored7 %restore 15health!!5]]


Its to be a Christmas gift from one of my almost life long friends, any help would be greatly appreciated!!

-Thank you so very much!-

-Chan: #WolvenSpirit -Server: Irc.Sorcery.Net