on *:TEXT:!roll *:#:{
if (($$2 !isnum 1-100) || ($$3 !isnum 1-100)) {
msg $chan 14,1 Roll with numbers, not letters. ( !roll X Y )

set %NumberOfDice $$2
set %NumberOfSides $$3
set %temp 0
set %DiceRolled 0
set %rand 0
set %results 0
set %results2 0
while ( %DiceRolled < %NumberOfDice ) {
set %rand $rand(1,%NumberOfSides)
set %temp %results2
set %results2 $calc(%temp + %rand)
if (%results == 0) { set %results %rand }
else {
set %temp %results
set %results %temp %rand
inc %DiceRolled
msg $chan  Results for $nick $+ : %results == Total %results2 $+ .
unset %NumberOfDice %NumberOfSides %temp %DiceRolled %rand %results %results2


if you happen to know how to make an animal hunting script that's what i'm out looking for

-Chan: #WolvenSpirit -Server: Irc.Sorcery.Net