Braces are messed up.
Here is the correction.
on *:TEXT:!Roulette:#: {
  if ((%floodroulette) || ($($+(%,floodroulette.,$nick),2))) { return }
  set -u60 %floodroulette On
  set -u120 %floodroulette. $+ $nick On
  if ($nick isop #) {
    var %randmods = $rand(1,2)
    if (%randmods == 1) {
      msg $chan The gun jambs up! Do you have special powers, $nick ?
    if (%randmods == 2) {
      msg $chan BANG! ... The bullet was deflected off your mod armor, and killed a random viewer, but you live! There must be secret powers in your mod armor $nick
  else {
    var %randnumber = $rand(1,4)
    if (%randnumber == 1) { 
      msg $chan $nick tries to pull the trigger... but is too afraid and drops the gun, apparently the gun triggers itself and shoot $nick in the dick... Kreygasm
      msg $chan /timeout $nick 120 
    if (%randnumber == 2) { 
      msg $chan Roulette clicks!...Empty...You live to see another day $nick
    if (%randnumber == 3) { 
      msg $chan Click!... Nothing happened but... $nick got so scared that $nick shit in his/her pants and died.
      msg $chan /timeout $nick 120 
    if (%randnumber == 4) {
      msg $chan $nick starts to shake, $nick tries to pull the trigger but can't. $nick drops the gun, $nick isn't up for the challenge Roulette..