i have a [pretty bad] link block for my twitch tv channel (shouldn't matter] and i am trying to do a !permit command for moderators.
What i have tried to do is get it to write to my allowed list then a timer set for 30 seconds which will delete that user from the list.
I have the adding to the list set up but i cannot seem to get my remove command working with a timer.
on *:TEXT:!permit*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) {
    write reglist.txt $$2
    msg # $$2 has been permited to post a link for 30 seconds
    .timerPermit 1 30 $read(reglist.txt,nw,$2) write -dl $+ $readn reglist.txt 
    .timerPermit 1 31 msg $chan $$2 is no longer allowed to post a link

I probably set up the timer command wrong, any help would be appreciated smile

i made a chat bot for mark_paintball! http://twitch.tv/mark_paintball