I dont remember, but trying to use aline instead of echo in all my @windows, so dont remember, but can i highlight the window in any other way then create a new one and aline all messages back again? Was a long time ago i used @windows so forgot the most things about them.

;----- Edit
alias example {
  if (!$window(@window)) { window -n2k0 @window 637 300 603 322 Verdana 11 }
  aline @window Just a example if somone else have the same problem
  window -g1 @window

Solved the highlight problem, just needed to add window -g1 @window, This will highlight it again when a new line is entered to it, now i just need to solve the "flash" part. smile

Last edited by sparta; 14/02/13 11:47 AM.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }