I have this query control script that opens a dialog when i get a query request.
But when the dialog is open and i can't accept or deny for some reason when i get a second and third and so on request i get an error saying: dialog name in use.
When i started using mirc i had a script that showed me the first request and on closing that request or accept/deny it opend a second and third and so on request dialog.
Same thing as in using $input.
But i'm sure it was a dialog because of the info the script showed(name, comchans, message).
How can i make my script use multiple dialog.
Here is the code i have:

on 1:OPEN:?:*:{
  set %query.nick $nick
  set %query.address $address($nick,1)
  set %query.text $1-
  close -m $nick
  .msg $nick Query Control: Please wait as I decide to accept or deny your query request.
alias -l query.decide {
  dialog -m Query Query
dialog Query {
  title "Query"
  size 300 250 200 50
  option dbu
  text "Nick:", 2, 5 12 12 10, nowrap
  text "Text:", 3, 5 22 12 10, nowrap
  edit %query.nick %query.address, 4, 20 10 170 10, read
  edit %query.text, 5, 20 20 170 10, read
  button "Accept", 6, 25 32 40 15
  button "Decline", 7, 75 32 40 15
  button "Ignore", 8, 125 32 40 15
on 1:dialog:Query:*:* {
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 6) {
      dialog -x Query Query
      query %query.nick
      echo -t %query.nick < $+ %query.nick $+ > %query.text
      .msg %query.nick Query Control: Your query has been accepted.
      unset %query.*
    if ($did == 7) {
      dialog -x Query Query
      .msg %query.nick Query Control: Your query has been denied.
      unset %query.*
    if ($did == 8) {
      dialog -x Query Query
      ignore -p %query.nick
      .msg %query.nick Query Control: Your query has been denied and you have been ignored.
      unset %query.*

If you have any questions please ask.