Originally Posted By: Horstl
Not if you use the .ini file structure. You could place every command (or set of commands) under a distinct [topic] header of a single .ini file.
What goal are you trying to attain by out-sourcing your commands, if I may ask?

Say i give someone access to a file called "user1.txt(/.ini)" then they have access to add command to that file.

But then i'd want the main file "remote.ini" to use the commands in that file for said channel.

Then it would go on to add more external files such as user2,3,4,5,6...

The main file structure would then be something like

on *:text:*:#: {
  if ( $chan == #user1 ) {
on *:text:*:#: {
  if ( $chan == #user2 ) {

and so on, permissions and commands would be pulled from the different files.

I'd like the commands in each external file to look like:
on *:text:*!commandexample*:#: {
  msg $chan command example

this is a command example which it would look like in each file. So standard command format.

Last edited by Judgebot; 12/11/12 04:02 PM.