hi there
this is my first post
am trying to make a script
but there is a code that am not able to make it work
i tried every thing you can think of
but noting seems to be right
anyway this is the code (hope you can help me with it)

on *:Text:*:#:{
  if ($me isop chan) && (http:// isin $1-) && (%warn $+ $nick == 1) { goto firstwarn } 
  elseif ($me isop $chan) && (http:// isin $1-) && (%warn $+ $nick >= 2) {
    .disable #FilterBan
    .mode $chan +b $wildsite 
    .kick $chan $nick 14We06 warned14 you b406.14 You should obey the 06channel rules14.
    //timerfirstwarn 1 15 //enable #FilterBan
    inc %warn $+ $nick 1
    .kick $chan $nick 06*14web*site*adv06*14 iS not allowed06.14 This time we`ll allowe u 2 join us. Next time u`ll be 06BANNED14.
    inc %warn $+ $nick 1

thanks in advance