;--------- ALIASES ---------
alias -l next.infodelay {
  return 7

alias -l {
  return notice

alias -l ht {
  return $+(helpqueue,$cid)

alias -l nickreg {
  return $+(/(?<=^|\s)\Q,$replacexcs($1,\E,\E\\E\Q),\E(?=$|\s),/)

alias -l next.wipe {
  if ($hget($ht)) $iif(%help(chan),hdel,hfree) $ht %help(chan)

alias putnotice {
  if (!$isid) {
    putcmd .notice $1-
alias putmsg {
  if (!$isid) {
    putcmd .msg $1-
alias putaction {
  if (!$isid) {
    putcmd .describe $1-
alias putcmd {
  var %a = putcmd. $+ $cid, %c = $1
  !tokenize 32 $2-
  if ($2 == $null) {
    if ($show) {
      !echo -ac $+ $iif($active == status window,e) info * /put $+ %c $+ : insufficient parameters
  if (!$timer(%a)) {
    !hadd -m %a index -1
    !hadd -m %a current 0
    !.timer $+ %a -m 0 5000 putcmd.exec $cid
  !hinc -m %a index
  !hadd -m %a $hget(%a,index) ! $+ %c $1-
  if ($calc($ticks - $hget(%a,last)) > 2000) {
    putcmd.exec $cid
  !hadd -m %a last $ticks
alias putcmd.exec {
  var %a = putcmd. $+ $1, %c = $hget(%a,current)
  !scid -r $hget(%a,%c)
  !hdel %a %c
  !hinc %a current
  if ($hget(%a,0).item == 3) {
    !.timer $+ %a off
    !hfree -w %a

;--------- VARIABLE AND STATUS CHECK ---------
on *:connect:{
  .timer 1 1 echo @CONNECT-CHECK Please wait while the bot checks if there any errors.
  if ($isdir(help)) {
    timer 1 3 echo @CONNECT-CHECK help directory excists. The bot is still searching for errors.
  elseif (!$isdir(help)) {
    timer 1 4 echo @CONNECT-CHECK 4ERROR help directory dont excists. Making new directory 'help'.
    mkdir help
  if ($isdir(help\data)) {
    timer 1 5 echo @CONNECT-CHECK help\data directory excists. The bot is still searching for errors.
  elseif (!$isdir(help\data)) {
    timer 1 6 echo @CONNECT-CHECK 4ERROR help\data directory dont excists. Making new directory 'help\data'.
    mkdir help\data
  if (%help(author) == xelent) {
    .timer 1 7 echo @CONNECT-CHECK Variables excists.
  elseif (%help(author) != xelent) {
    set %help(mchan) #BX-Networks
    set %help(pchan) #BX.admin
    set %help(schan)
    set %help(author) xelent
    set %help(version) 1.0b
    set %help(trigger) !
    set %help(global) ?
    set %help(error) 1
    .timer 1 8 echo @CONNECT-CHECK 4ERROR Variables dont excist. Creating variables '%help"''"'
  if (%help(error) != 1) {
    timer 1 9 echo @CONNECT-CHECK The error check has been completed. 0 errors occured, the bot is working 100%.
    .timer 1 20 /window -c @CONNECT-CHECK
  elseif (%help(error) == 1) {
    timer 1 11 echo @CONNECT-CHECK An or some error(s) occured. Due some awesome scripting these were fixed during the check/scan.
    timer 1 13 .unset %help(error)
    .timer 1 25 /window -c @CONNECT-CHECK

;--------- Events ---------
on me:*:PART:%help(chan): {

on !*:PART:%help(chan): {
  hadd -m $ht $chan $remtok($hget($ht,$chan),$nick,0,32)

on me:*:QUIT: {

on !*:QUIT: {
  while ($hfind($ht,$nickreg($nick),1,r).data) hadd $ht $v1 $remtok($hget($ht,$v1),$nick,0,32)

on *:KICK:%help(chan): {
  if ($knick == $me) {
  else {
    hadd -m $ht $chan $remtok($hget($ht,$chan),$knick,0,32)


on !*:NICK: {
  while ($hfind($ht,$nickreg($nick),1,r).data) hadd $ht $v1 $reptok($hget($ht,$v1),$nick,$newnick,0,32)

on *:VOICE:%help(chan): {
  hadd -m $ht $chan $remtok($hget($ht,$chan),$vnick,0,32)

on *:text:*:%help(pchan):{
  if ($1 == %help(trigger) $+ help) || ($1 == %help(global) $+ help) {
    if ($2 == next) {
      if ($hget($ht,%help(chan))) {
        if ($gettok($v1,1,32) ison %help(chan)) && ($v1 !isvoice %help(chan)) {
          mode $v2 +v $v1
          .msg %help(chan) You've been granted voice. State your question(s) directly in this channel. Do not highlight or PM the administrators. Please be patient.
        else {
          hadd $ht %help(chan) $gettok($hget($ht,%help(chan)),2-,32) | goto next
      else {
        $ $nick Help queue of %help(chan) is empty.
    elseif ($2 == status) {
      if ($hget($ht,%help(chan))) {
        $ $nick $numtok($v1,32) in queue: $replace($v1,$chr(32),$+($chr(32),->,$chr(32)))
      else {
        $ $nick Help queue of %help(chan) is empty.
    elseif ($2 == done) {
      if ($3) {
        kick %help(chan) $3 You've been helped and kicked from the channel due no idle.
        .msg $chan $3 got kicked from %help(chan) $+ .
        hadd -m $ht $chan $remtok($hget($ht,$chan),$knick,0,32)
      elseif (!$3) {
        $ $nick Please specify a nickname.
    elseif ($2 == on) {
      if ($readini(help\data\status.ini,reg,status) == on) {
        .msg %help(pchan) Error: Failed to open help center, already 9open.
      else {
        writeini help\data\status.ini reg status on
        msg %help(pchan) The help center is now 9open.
        .msg %help(mchan) « BX-Network help Center » is now open! Need help? Use "!help".
        .topic %help(pchan) help center 9open $+ .
    elseif ($2 == commands) {
      .putnotice $nick These commands is available for you 
      .putnotice $nick %help(trigger) $+ help next - Voices the next user in the queue on %help(chan) $+ . 
      .putnotice $nick %help(trigger) $+ help done <nick> - Kicks <nick> from %help(chan) due no idle done after user is helped. 
      .putnotice $nick %help(trigger) $+ help on/off - Turn on or off the help system. 
      .putnotice $nick %help(trigger) $+ help version - Shows the current script version. 
      .putnotice $nick %help(trigger) $+ help status - Display the users in the help queue. 

    elseif ($2 == off) {
      if ($readini(help\data\status.ini,reg,status) == off) {
        .msg %help(pchan) Error: Failed to close help center, already 4closed.
      else {
        writeini help\data\status.ini reg status off
        msg %help(pchan) The help center is now 4closed.
        .msg %help(mchan) « BX-Network help Center » is now closed! If you still need help, you can send us an email.
        .topic %help(pchan) help center 4closed $+ .
    elseif (!$2) {
      .notice $nick Please specify what command to execute. If your not sure, check %help(trigger) $+ help commands

on *:text:*:%help(mchan):{
  if ($1 == %help(trigger) $+ help) || ($1 == help) {
    .putmsg $nick « BX-Network help Center » Do you need any help or have any questions? You can join our queue for assistance.
    .putmsg $nick « BX-Network help Center » You can simply join our help queue by typing: /msg $me queueme

on *:text:queueme:?:{
  if ($readini(help\data\status.ini,reg,status) == on) {
    if (%help. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != 1) {
      .set -u300 %help. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
      .putmsg %help(pchan) « BX-Network help Center » - ( $nick ) Has queued himself for online help.
      .putmsg $nick « BX-Network help Center » You have successfully joined the queue. You can now join %help(chan) $+ . Here an administrator will assist you.
      hadd -m $ht %help(chan) $hget($ht,%help(chan)) $nick
      invite $nick %help(chan)
    elseif (%help. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1) {
      .msg $nick « BX-Network help Center » You have already joined the queue.
      .msg %help(pchan) « BX-Network help Center » - ( $nick ) tried to queue himself again for online help.
  elseif ($readini(help\data\status.ini,reg,status) == off) {
    .putmsg $nick « BX-Network help Center » We're sorry but the help center is closed $+ . Please try again later..
    .msg %help(pchan) « BX-Network help Center » - ( $nick ) tried to use to use our help center. If you are an certified administrator and allowed to help others you can turn on the help center by typing: %help(trigger) $+ help on

My test, when I do next it still reports that the user is in queue.