; offline timer to check all remote scripts every minute
on *:start: .timerreloadmodscripts -o 0 60 reloadmodscripts

alias reloadmodscripts {
  ; loop all scripts
  var %n = 1
  while ($script(%n)) {
    ; store filehashes in a hash table (using the filenamehash as item to account for names with spaces)
    var %nh = $md5($v1), %fh = $md5($v1,2) 
    ; stored filehash is either different or nonexistent - file had been modified or new file
    if ($hget(scripthashes,%nh) != %fh) {
      ; any hash stored - file had been modified: reload at same position
     ; (without the timer you won't be able to reload this very file too)
      if ($v1 != $null) { .timer 1 0 reload -rs $+ %n $safe2($qt($script(%n))) }
      ; add/update filehash in hash table
      hadd -m scripthashes %nh %fh
    inc %n

alias -l safe2 { bset -t &a 1 $1 | return $!regsubex(safe, $bvar(&a,1-) ,/(\d+)(?: |$)/g,$chr(\1)) }

Last edited by Horstl; 17/06/11 01:01 AM.