; check your nickname on connect and as it changes
on me:*:nick: { noguestnick $newnick }
on *:connect: { noguestnick $me }

alias -l noguestnick {
; nickname starts with "Guest", no auto-nickchange-marker set for this connection
  if ((Guest* iswm $1) && (!$hget(noguestnick,$cid))) {

  ; change nick to main nickname (if not matching Guest*), else to alternative nickname (if not matching Guest*), else to FALLBACKNICKNAME
    nick $iif((Guest* !iswm $mnick),$v2,$iif((Guest* !iswm $anick),$v2, FALLBACKNICKNAME ))

    ; set auto-nickchange-marker for this connection for 90s - to prevent a "nickspam loop" (circular quarrelling with services or the like)
    if ($event != connect) { hadd -mu90 noguestnick $cid x }

Last edited by Horstl; 24/05/11 02:00 PM.