Give this a try (untested):
on *:TEXT:*:#: {

  ; check if $1- contains any token ("word") that wildmatches "*<cmdchar>player"
  if ($wildtok($1-,$+(*,%c,player),1,32)) {
    ; fill $1- with the unquoted text message starting at that token
    tokenize 32 $noqt($gettok($1-,$+($findtok($1-,$v1,1,32),-),32))

    ; rest of your original on text event
    set %playerurl /daoc/sig.php?name= $+ $+($replace($2-,$chr(32),+),&txt=on)
    set %playerchan $chan
Yes, I'm well aware this could be solved in a more classy fashion with regular expressions... wink