Originally Posted By: FroggieDaFrog

1) currently if you use drawline it draws line from xy to xy to xy, etc. Would be nice if by adding a comma between xy's it would break from the current line and start a new one.

This would be very usefull.

Originally Posted By: FroggieDaFrog

2) a switch to fill inside the drawn lines with a specified color. To help this, if the last xy doesn't equal the first, it automatically draws the "finishing" line

Like a /drawpoly command.

Originally Posted By: FroggieDaFrog

[new] $MouseIsIn(@windowname,x,y,w,h,curvedegree)
returns $true or $false if the mouse is in @window and within the rectangle/ellipes specified.
would cut down on alot of "if ($mouse.x isnum x-x2 && $mouse.y isnum y-y2)" or worse the "if (-calc for circle-)"

This is already in the help file:

Returns $true if the point x y is inside the specified ellipse, and $false if it isn't.

Returns $true if the point x y is inside the specified rectangle, and $false if it isn't.

Returns $true if the point x y is inside the specified rounded rectangle, and $false if it isn't.

Returns $true if the point x y is inside the polygon defined by the specified points, and $false if it isn't.