if the window size(x y w h) is specifed, even if the window is opened in the mdi, i'd be nice if it retained the set w,h whether the mdi windows are maximized or not. Currently, the only way to achieve this is with a dll, or set it to a desktop window.

1) currently if you use drawline it draws line from xy to xy to xy, etc. Would be nice if by adding a comma between xy's it would break from the current line and start a new one.
2) a switch to fill inside the drawn lines with a specified color. To help this, if the last xy doesn't equal the first, it automatically draws the "finishing" line

1) currently the -f switch fills it the rectangle/ellipse with the same color as the outline. I'd like to see a switch that lets u set a diffrent inside color from the outside; in essenses a way to set the border color and the fill color.

1) Currently, everytime u want to draw text, u have to use a diffrent command, even if u want to use the same color, width, height, font, and font size. I'd like to be able to just specify the diffrent xy's and text be cammas.

[new] $MouseIsIn(@windowname,x,y,w,h,curvedegree)
returns $true or $false if the mouse is in @window and within the rectangle/ellipes specified.
would cut down on alot of "if ($mouse.x isnum x-x2 && $mouse.y isnum y-y2)" or worse the "if (-calc for circle-)"

I understand that most of these are easily self-scripted, but i've seen them used over and over in picwins and would make picwin scripting alot easier.

I am SReject
My Stuff