Originally Posted By: Horstl
Sorry, but you didn't get the point: There's a problem with this [nice] snippet - it is the thing to fix, and that's what he is asking for.

The snippet writes a short VBscript to a custom window, safebufs and runs this script via com call: it's using an ADO-"stream" to download binary data (creating an (empty) file, buffering the data in memory, dumping the downloaded data into the file).
This procedure seem to fail if the output filepath contains spaces (?) - and it's not unlikely for $mircdir to be a filepath with spaces.

As $mircdir points to a directory where read/write access may be taken for granted, and because it's a directory often used by mIRC scripts as point of reference for data storage (e.g. at subdirectories of $mircdir), neither a hardcoded, nonspaced directory will make up a true workaround, nor will changing the mircdir itself do - you cannot demand this of "end users" - and $nofile($mircexe) *may* contain spaces as well.

The vb script has to be in the same directory as the directory mIRC is told to start in. It has nothing to do w/ spaces.

Here try this...

alias download {
  var %r = $(|,) return $false, %e = scon -r !echo $color(info) -a $!!download: Error -
  if (!$isid) %e this snippet can only be called as an identifier. %r
  if ($os isin 9598) %e this snippet requires Windows ME or higher. %r
  if ($version < 6) %e this snippet requires mIRC version 6.0 or higher. %r
  var %dir = $nofile($1), %file = $nopath($1), %method = $upper($2), %url = $3
  var %bit = $4, %headers = $iif($2 == get,$5,$6), %postdata = " $+ $5", %res
  if (* !iswm %file) %e you must specify a file to save the data to. %r
  if (%file != $mkfn(%file)) %e file %file contains illegal characters. %r
  if (* !iswm %dir) %dir = $mircdir
  elseif (!$isdir(%dir)) %e no such folder %dir %r
  if (!$istok(get head post,$2,32)) %e method can only be GET, HEAD or POST. %r
  if (!$regex(%e,$3,/^\S+\.\S+\.\S+$/)) %e you didn't specify an url to download from. %r
  if ($2 != head) {
    if ($4 !isnum 1-3) %e bitmask should be a digit in range 1-3. %r
    if ($2 == post) && (* !iswm $5) %e you didn't specify any post data. %r
    if (%headers) && (!$regsub(%e,%headers,/(\S+?): (.+?)(?=\s?\n|$)/g,"\1" $chr(44) "\2",%headers)) {
      %e bad header syntax. Correct -> Label: value seperated by $!!lf's %r
  var %file = $+(",%dir,%file,"), %id = $+(@download,$ticks,$r(1111,9999),.vbs), %a = aline %id
  if (http://* !iswm $3) %url = http:// $+ $3
  .comopen %id wscript.shell
  if ($comerr) %e could not open Wscript.Shell. %r
  write -c %file
  window -h %id
  %a on error resume next 
  %a sub quit $lf set http = nothing : set ado = nothing : wscript.quit $lf end sub
  %a sub errmsg
  %a set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
  %a set file = fso.createtextfile( %file ,true)
  %a file.write("Err number: " & err.number & " = " & err.description) : file.close
  %a set fso = nothing
  %a quit
  %a end sub
  %a arr = array("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1","winhttp.winhttprequest","msxml2.serverxmlhttp","microsoft.xmlhttp")
  %a i = 0 $lf while i < 4 and not isobject(http) : set http = createobject(arr(i)) : i = i + 1 : wend
  %a if not isobject(http) then errmsg
  %a err.clear
  %a http.open $+(",%method,") , $+(",%url,") ,false
  %a http.setrequestheader "User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"
  if (%headers) { tokenize 10 %headers | scon -r %a http.setrequestheader $* }
  if (%method == post) {
    %a http.setrequestheader "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    %a http.send %postdata
  else %a http.send
  %a if err then errmsg
  %a set ado = createobject("adodb.stream")
  %a if not isobject(ado) then errmsg
  %a ado.open
  if (%bit != 2) {
    %a ado.type = 2 : ado.charset = "ascii"
    %a ado.writetext "HTTP/1.1 " & http.status & " " & http.statustext,1
    %a ado.writetext http.getallresponseheaders,1 : ado.position = 0
  if (%bit != 1) %a ado.type = 1 : ado.read : ado.write http.responsebody
  %a ado.savetofile %file ,2 : ado.close : quit
  savebuf %id $+($nofile($mircexe),%id)
  close -@ %id
  .comclose %id $com(%id,run,1,bstr*,%id,uint,0,bool,true)
  .remove $+($nofile($mircexe),%id)
  %res = $read(%file,t,1)
  if (Err number:*=* iswm %res) || (!$file(%file)) %e $iif(%res,%res,no data could be retrieved) - %url %r
  return $true
  if ($com(%id)) .comclose %id
  if ($isfile(%id)) .remove %id
  if ($window(%id)) close -@ %id
  return $false

Beware of MeStinkBAD! He knows more than he actually does!