Hey guys,

I was wondering if there's a quick and efficient way to retrieve the information without having to wait for the command to be completed.

so if you type !ping address

it'll ping and keep listing the next available output on each line, i'm sure there's a way, at this stage - the way i'm doing this is noobie style, i got it set to a certain timer, once it's finished.

on *:TEXT:!ping:#:{
  set %ping.inuse true

alias pingrun {
  set %ini ping.txt
  if ( %ping.inuse == true ) {
    msg # Sorry $nick $+ , someone has already requested for ping response.
  if ( $2- == $null || isin $2- || localhost isin $2- ) { 
    msg # $nick $+ , please enter ip/hostname.
  else {
    msg # Please wait, Pinging: $1
    run -n ping.bat $1
    timerpingnig 1 12 pingrun2
    timerremoveping 1 15 .remove %ini
    timerpinguse 1 16 unset %ping.inuse

alias pingrun2 {
  set %ini ping.txt
  var %x = 1
  while ( %x < $lines(%ini) ) { 
    msg # $read(%ini,%x) $crlf
    inc %x