I currently have this script:
      elseif ($1 == !aop) && ($2 == add) && ($nick *?*) { write $chan $+ .ao.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been added to the auto op list. | /mode $chan +o $3 }
      elseif ($1 == !aop) && ($2 == del) &&  ($nick *?*) { write -ds $+ $3 $chan $+ .ao.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been deleted from the auto op list. | /mode $chan -o $3 }

However, I do not know how to make it only usable by admins and owners.
I also have a similar one, for !sop add(del) <nick>.

I looked up "isop" and looked around that section in the help files, but didn't seem to find anything.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by seanturner70; 18/01/09 12:27 PM.