I currently have:
on 1:text:*:#: {
  if ( $nick == seanturner70 ) {
    if ($me == no-nick) {
      if ($1 == !enable) && ($2 == beta) { write enabled.txt $chan | msg $chan $chan has been added to the list for my Beta features }
      elseif ($1 == !disable) && ($2 == beta) { ******* enabled.txt $chan | msg $chan $chan has been deleted from the beta fetures }

I don't know how to delete the channel from the list... (*******)

I had a look at /help but it doesn't really help.

The reason I want this is becuase I was testing a feature, and it failed pretty misrably, someone when sugested that I do an "opt-in" thing, then I can do:
if ( $chan ison enabled.txt) [...]

Is that correct?
