And with that information, here's my recommendation for a re-write of the section of code that you supplied
if ($1 == schedule) {
  if (!$regd) {
    msg $nick Must Register to use this system. Type '.register'
    return 0
  if ($banned) {
    msg $nick Sorry $nick $+ , but you have been banned from using this service. Reason:4,0 $readini(banned.ini,banned,$address($nick,2)) $+ .
    return 0
  if (!$4) {
    msg $nick To schedule use this format: .schedule <map> <rcon> <location>
    msg $nick We are in BETA-Testing. Please read our agreement policy before proceeding.
  else {
    var %x = 1, %y = $ini(servlist.ini,0)
    while %x <= %y {
      var %a = 1, %b = $ini(servlist.ini,%x,0)
      while %a <= %b {
        if $readini(servloc.ini,servers,$ini(servlist.ini,%y,%a)) {
          var %inuse = $addtok(%inuse,$ini(servlist.ini,%y,%a),44)        
        var %servers = $addtok(%servers,$ini(servlist.ini,%y,%a),44)
      inc %a
    inc %x
  var %a = 1, %b = $numtok(%inuse,44)
  while %a <= %b {
    var %servers = $reptok(%servers,$gettok(%inuse,%a,44),$+($gettok(%inuse,%a,44),4,1In Use1,0),1,44)
    inc %a
  msg $nick Current Servers: %servers $+ .