
;If the word [b]help[/b] is anywhere is in the sentence say "Someone Typed Help"

on *:text:*help*:#: msg # Someone Typed help

;If something like blahblah[b]help[/b] was typed it would say "Someone Typed Help"

on *:text:*help:#: msg # Someone Typed Help

;If something like [b]help[/b]blahblah was typed it would say "Someone Typed Help"

on *:text:help*:#: msg # Someone typed help

;If the word [b]help[/b] is typed on its own it would say "Someone Typed Help"

on *:text:help:#: msg # Someone typed help

So like Riamus said, the "*" symble will acts like the word "anything" e.g *help* = if someone typed "anything"help"anything" it will pick out the word help and send the message.

Hope I explained it well :S, if not look at /help on text and maybe Khaled can explain it better wink
