This has probably been mentioned before:
mIRC shows "Connecting" when it does not recieve the raw 001.

The problem is that I am making a RFC 1459 compliant server, and mIRC shows connecting continously.

Would be great if mIRC could show as connected if it recieves ERR_NOMOTD or RPL_MOTDSTART.

This is not my real issue.

Because mIRC does not think it is connected, Closing a channel window does not send a "PART" even though it had worked fine for the JOIN. If you type /part, all works as exptected

This is troublesome, because an IRC user (using the RFC 1459 server) should be able to close the window and have it send /part.

On a sidenote: when connected to an IRCX server, mIRC will only join a %#Channel if it has recieved raw numeric 800. This is fine, allthough when it joins the %#Channel, it resets the message from 800.

[02:16] * Titanic has quit IRC (Excess Flood)