on *:text:!request *:#: {
if ($left($2,1) == $chr(35)) {
.msg #ugs $nick requested the bot to join $+($2,.)
join $2
.notice $nick I join $2 due request from you when an admin accepts you.
set %chan $2
set %nick $nick
/msg #ugs %nick has requested a bot for %chan
else if ($left($2,1) != $chr(35)) {
.notice $nick That dosen't look like a valid channel, don't forget to use $chr(35) infront of the channel name. Try again.
on *:connect: { .timerspam 1 3600 { spam_chanll }
alias spam_chanll {
var %count11 = $chan(0)
while (%count11) {
;if ($chan isin %lchannel.list1) { return }
var %chan1 = $+($chan(%count11),$chr(44))
var %lchannel.list1 = $instok(%lchannel.list1,$chan(%count11),1,44)
dec %count11
if (%count11 == 0) { ame i'm on the channel %lchannel.list1 }
on *:LOAD: {
timers off | timer 0 3600 amsg 7,2[UltraGameServers] 0Please visit 7• 7• 0Please Idle and Support 7#UltraGameServers0,2 7• 7News: 0We can offer Game Servers from 1 euro per slot 7• 0For more information Please Visit 7• 7[UltraGameServers]
on *:text:!fix:#ugs: {
load -rs broadcast.mcr
on *:text:!accept *:#ugs: {
join $2
/msg #ugs The Channel Has Been Succesfully Accepted
on *:text:!part *:#ugs: {
part $2
on *:text:!join *:#ugs: {
join $2
on *:TEXT:!part *:#ugs: {
if $nick isop #ugs
set %chan $2
/part %chan

Thats what i have, but i have some problems that i hope you can help me fix.

- It joins withought having to accept
- the message when you accept it doesnt show
- it doesnt part
If we can get this working it will be complete.

#Plesh on QuaKenet
Jake Randall
Need help?
#Plesh - QuakeNet
Private Message Me Here!