yeah thats correct but i want the reply's to go to the channel in the form i pasted above in my channel if you type !pingme the remote will ping you then it will notice the response to you and it will also send the ping response to the channel in the form 12Your Lag is04 10 seconds.12 Cheech i want the same channel response to return for multiple nicks when !pingus is type and the ping would be /ping #channel if there are 5 users i want it to tell each user thier ping response in the channel the $nick doesnt do that it only sends the first one to the channel however it does notice each user ? does that make sense ? mebbie this will help
on 1:TEXT:!pingus:*: {
set %pchan $chan
set %pnick $nick(%pchan,0,a)
/ping $chan
thats what triggers the even then the ctcpreply portion is as i posted above thx again smile

Last edited by Cheech; 15/12/02 06:42 PM.