Quick suggestion, making use of a hash table and the $hfind feature

on *:text:*:*: {
  ; if the hash tabe does not exist, trigger the "make table" alias 
  if (!$hget(iswmtable)) { make.iswm.table }
  var %line = $strip($1-)
  ; check %line for any wilcard match of all the items in the hash table
  if ($hfind(iswmtable,%line,0,W)) {
    echo $target iswm per hfind triggers: $v1 items wildmatch the text.

; creating a hash table holding all the words for your "many words" iswm comparison
alias make.iswm.table {
  hadd -m iswmtable *test*
  hadd iswmtable *something*
  hadd iswmtable *word*

Last edited by Horstl; 20/11/07 07:03 PM.