I have a good event script. Was wondering if I could do 2 interesting things with it:
1) make it so that say 20 or 30 min before the event it will start a countdown and every 4 min say like "Event X in (time remaining) then once the time is up for 10 min or so say "event X is happening now) or something. Is that possible?
2)The command for my bot to erase an event is !setfevent -r #(here it can hold multiple events) is it possible to provided you set a date the bot will autmatically earse the event 24 hours after the event happened?

Anyway here is the script:
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
if ($1 == !setfevent) {
if (($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ishop $chan)) {
if ($2) {
if ($v1 == syntax) {
notice $nick Proper SYNTAX !setfevent [-nrcao] <N|E|EVENT> [INFO]
notice $nick Switches: $&
-n Means NEW, Clears existing events, and starts a new with the new specified event. $&
-r Means REMOVE, Removes N'th event from the event list. $&
-c Means CLEAR, Clears existing events. $&
-a Means ADD, Adds a new event to an existing list of events. $&
-o Means OVERWRITE, Removes event E and replaces it with INFO $&
NOTE: If you specify NO switches, it assumes you want to start one. if one is already in effect, you will need to use the -a switch to add a new event to the list.
if ($left($v1,1) == -) {
if (n isin $2) {
if ($ini(events.ini,$chan) != 0) {
if ($3) {
remini events.ini $chan
writeini events.ini $chan 1 $3-
notice $nick event line reset, new event added.
else { notice $nick invalid syntax refer to !setfevent syntax | halt }
else { notice $nick There is currently no events set, You cannot clear a non-existant event line. | halt }
if (c isin $2) {
if ($ini(events.ini,$chan) != 0) { remini events.ini $chan | notice $nick all events have been removed. }
else { notice $nick There is currently no events set, You cannot clear a non-existant event line. }
if (a isin $2) {
if ($ini(events.ini,$chan,0) >= 1) { writeini events.ini $chan $calc($ini(events.ini,$chan,0) + 1) $3- | notice $nick an event has been added to the events list }
else { notice $nick There is currently no events set, You cannot add to a non-existant event line. }
if (r isin $2) {
if ($ini(events.ini,$chan) != 0) {
if (($3) && ($3 isnum)) {
if ($ini(events.ini,$chan,$3)) {
remini events.ini $chan $3
var %fixini = $3
while (%fixini < $calc($ini(events.ini,$chan,0) + 1)) {
writeini events.ini $chan %fixini $readini(events.ini,$chan,$calc(%fixini +1))
remini events.ini $chan $calc(%fixini + 1)
inc %fixini 1
if ($ini(events.ini,$chan,0) == 0) { notice $nick last of the events removed. event line terminated | remini events.ini $chan }
else { notice $nick You have removed the $ord($3) event. }
else { notice $nick Wrong use of the -r switch! SYNTAX: !setfevent -r <number> }
else { notice $nick There is currently no events set, You cannot remove an event from a non-existant event line. }
if (o isin $2) {
if ($ini(events.ini,$chan) != 0) {
if ($3 isnum) {
if ($ini(events.ini,$chan,$3)) {
if ($4) {
writeini events.ini $chan $3 $4-
notice $nick You have replaced the $ord($3) event. with $4-
else notice $nick invalid use of the -o switch, SYNTAX !setfevent -o <E> <Replace Info>
else { notice $nick Wrong use of the -o switch! SYNTAX: !setfevent -o <E> <Replace Info> }
else { notice $nick There is currently no events set, You cannot overwrite an event from a non-existant event line. }
else {
if ($ini(events.ini,$chan,0) >= 1) { notice $nick There is already a set of events running, referr to "!setfevent syntax" for more information | return }
else { notice $nick You've started a new event line. | writeini events.ini $chan 1 $2- }
msg $chan  $nick has set a new event!!! Type !event to see it!!
else {
notice $nick Proper SYNTAX !setfevent [-nrcao] <N|E|EVENT> [INFO]
notice $nick Switches: $&
-n Means NEW, Clears existing events, and starts a new with the new specified event. $&
-r Means REMOVE, Removes N'th event from the event list. $&
-c Means CLEAR, Clears existing events. $&
-a Means ADD, Adds a new event to an existing list of events. $&
-o Means OVERWRITE, Removes event E and replaces it with INFO $&
NOTE: If you specify NO switches, it assumes you want to start one. if one is already in effect, you will need to use the -a switch to add a new event to the list.
if ($1 == !sesyntax) {
notice $nick Proper SYNTAX !setfevent [-nrcao] <N|E|EVENT> [INFO]
notice $nick Switches: $&
-n Means NEW, Clears existing events, and starts a new with the new specified event. $&
-r Means REMOVE, Removes N'th event from the event list. $&
-c Means CLEAR, Clears existing events. $&
-a Means ADD, Adds a new event to an existing list of events. $&
-o Means OVERWRITE, Removes event E and replaces it with INFO $&
NOTE: If you specify NO switches, it assumes you want to start one. if one is already in effect, you will need to use the -a switch to add a new event to the list.
if ($1 == !esyntax) {
notice $nick Proper SYNTAX !events [-n] [N]
notice $nick Switches: -n means NUMBER, returns N'th event. if you specify -n N is manditory.
if ($1 == !event) {
if (!$ini(events.ini,$chan)) { notice $nick there is currently no events set. | halt }
if ($2) {
if ($2 == -n) {
if (($3 isnum) && ($3 <= $ini(events.ini,$chan,0))) {
notice $nick $ord($3) event from $chan $+ 's event line.
notice $nick $3 $+ . $readini(events.ini,$chan,$3)
else { notice $nick invalid syntax OR you chose a number above the amount of listed events. refer to "!events syntax" }
if ($2 == syntax) {
notice $nick Proper SYNTAX !events [-n] [N]
notice $nick Switches: -n means NUMBER, returns N'th event. if you specify -n N is manditory.
else {
if ($ini(events.ini,$chan,0) >= 1) {
notice $nick Events for $chan
var %yah = 0
while (%yah < $ini(events.ini,$chan,0)) {
inc %yah 1
notice $nick $+(%yah,.) $readini(events.ini,$chan,%yah)
else notice $nick there is no events set on $chan
on *:JOIN:#tlc: {
if ($nick == imfat) {
if (!$ini(events.ini,$chan)) { notice $nick there is currently no events set. | halt }
else notice $nick please type !event to see todays event.

Also as the title implies I am also looking for a runescape alch text based alh script. As well as a runescape combat calcualter/lvl calaculater. Anyway know where to find either of these?

thanks for the help!