dialog test.s0tt0 {
  title "Test dialog for s0tt0"
  size -1 -1 135 132
  option dbu
  text "Here is one text field.", 1, 12 14 67 8
  text "Here is another text field.", 2, 12 22 67 8
  button "Help on dialogs.", 3, 12 92 65 12
  button "Button 2.", 4, 12 105 65 12
  radio "Radio button no. 1.", 5, 12 33 56 10
  radio "Radio button no. 2.", 6, 12 43 56 10
  link "Here are some dialog tutorials.", 7, 12 67 82 8

Now finally the last bit of code.

on *:dialog:test.s0tt0:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 4) { echo -at Button 2 .. }
  if ($did == 3) {  /help /dialog }
  if ($did == 7) {  run }