It turn on and off but i dont think its counting right cause its kicking under the set limit of 7

  on @*:JOIN:#:{
if $israndom($nick) || (%consonant == off) || (!%consonant) { return } 
{ ban -ku600 # $nick 2 14Random Nick Detected }

alias isconsonant { var %consonant = bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz | return $iif($1 isin %consonant,$true,$false) }

alias israndom { var %c = 1 | var %count = 0 | while (%c <= $len($1)) { if ($isconsonant($mid($1,%c,1))) { inc %count } | else { set %count 0 } | if (%count >= 7) { return $true } | inc %c } | return $false }