Iv´e got the problem that the if at the while doesn´t work. Some friend gots the same problem, it seems to be a bug at mIRC.
It returns nothing.

So how can i solve this problem?


alias listcheck {
  var %cnick = $gettok($1,1,33)
  var %cident = $gettok($gettok($1,1,64),2,33)
  var %chost = $gettok($gettok($1,1,58),2,64)
  var %crname = $gettok($gettok($1,1,61),2,58)
  var %cip = $gettok($1,2,61)
  if ($checkexcept(%cnick,nick)) {
    msg #opers Except Nick: $1
alias checkexcept {
  if ($2 == nick) {
    if ($read($mircdirbllistsexception
ick.exc, w, $2)) {
      return 1
    else {
      var %i = 1
      while ($read($mircdirbllistsexceptionwcnick.exc,%i)) {
        if ($read($mircdirbllistsexceptionwcnick.exc,%i) iswm $2) {
          return 1
        else {
          inc %i 1

//edit; this stupid code tags removes all \ -.-

Last edited by mihpares; 06/07/07 04:50 PM.

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