You could host a simple (mIRC based) web server on the bot's computer, and serve this "custom page" yourself (still hosting other pages on the primary web server), then no need for FTP transfers.

Edit: Try this...

alias pageoff sockclose webpage*
alias pageon {
  if (!$sock(webpageserver)) socklisten webpageserver 8080
  else echo -a * The web page server is already running

on *:socklisten:webpageserver: sockaccept webpage. $+ $rand(0, 1000000)
on *:sockread:webpage.*: dynamic_page $sockname
on *:sockwrite:webpage.*: sockclose $sockname

alias dynamic_page {
  var %out sockwrite -n $1

  %out <html>
  %out <head><title>This is the title</title></head>
  %out <body><h4>
  if ($chan(#channel)) {
    %out There are $nick(#channel, 0) people on the channel #channel
  else {
    %out I am not connected to #channel at the moment.
  %out </h4></body></html>

This works well but is quick and dirty... If you use it, I suggest adding code that limits the number of connections per IP address to prevent DoS attacks. I'd also add a timer (for each socket) that closes the socket after 60 seconds, if for some reason the client connects but never sends any text to the server.

Last edited by NaquadaServ; 28/06/07 01:00 AM.
