In a game I play there is a news channel on one server that I copy the news from and post on a channel on my server. It works fine, but would like to know the best way to do a few things.

[/code]on *:text:*ss*(xyz):#news:{
  //scid 1 msg #allnews [ $+ $time(hh:nntt) $+ ] $1-
  ://scid 1 msg #grabnews [ $+ $time(hh:nntt) $+ ] $1-

My question is would it be better to have a separate .mrc file for each *ss*(whatever) for each "clan" I would like to track, or put them all into one big .mrc and just add a new on text event?

Or am I going about this completely the wrong way? There can be upwards of 20 lines per second on the server I am getting the news from. That server knows that I am coping the news and does not have a problem with it.

We are working on our own news feed, but until that gets sorted out this is the only way that I know how to have the news.

Thank you.

Last edited by danzigrules; 22/06/07 08:24 AM.