Hi all smile

Recently my list of options in a dialog has gotten too big to fit the height of my screen resolution, adding new tabs to split it up is not an option since I already done that.
Changing the width of the dialog aint an option either.

Now I noticed that the dialog options come with a "scroll" control.
So with that I can make my list of checkboxes as long as I want and just have it scroll vertically?

But I fail to see how that would fit into a code. Since i guess the scroll control needs to be locked on some other controls to scroll ofc?

Does anyone can post me an example scroll please, so I can see how it works...
Info and help so far from google and mIRC Help file have been insufficient.

Tnx alot in advance smile

Oh i'll post you some pseudo example of the info i need to be scrollable.

dialog scrolls {
  title "Scrolls Example"
  size -1 -1 160 121
  option dbu
  scroll "", 20, 4 3 148 114, range 0 0
  check "Check Box", 21, 9 7 50 10
  check "Check Box", 22, 9 21 50 10
  check "Check Box", 23, 8 36 50 10
  check "Check Box", 24, 7 53 50 10
  check "Check Box", 25, 6 67 50 10
  check "Check Box", 26, 7 78 50 10
  check "Check Box", 27, 6 92 50 10
  check "Check Box", 28, 8 107 50 10
  check "Check Box", 29, 8 117 50 10

As you can see, that last checkbox wont fit the dialog. ;-)
Let it scroll please ;-)
