here, i made it alittle better, but it still doesn't delete the port and name when you type harlbot kill 27508

on *:text:*kill*:#winbolo:{
  if ($1 == $me) {
    var %killport = $3
    var %nick2 = $nick
    if (%killport isin %used.ports) {
      var %nick1 = $wildtok( %used.ports, $nick $+ * $+ %killport, 1, 44)
      var %nick = $gettok( %nick1, 1, 46)
      if (((%nick2 == %nick) || ($nick isop #winbolo) || ($nick == %owner))) {
        set %used.ports $remtok(%used.ports, %nick1, 1, 44)
        /run $mircdir $+ wonkaDSctl.exe quit $3
        msg #winbolo Bang! $nick has just killed game on port $3 
      else msg #winbolo Sorry, only the person that started the game, the bot owner or an op may kill that game.

%used.ports Harl.27500, Harl.27506, Harl.27508,

thats %used.ports in the variable section.

Please help, thanks!