Been trying to write a fast walk for my Mud client script, but messed up quite badly. I want to use the default method of one string to display multipul direction inputs like: 2n4w6e(twice north, 4 times west and 6 times east) or 2n2d2n(twice north, twice down and twice north), but my script doesn't seem to do that at all, but works for single inputs. How can I mod it so it can take multipul directions(like say 2n5e2n6e) and make it work in sequence it is typed?

; Fast Walk
alias fw {
  ;Retreaving Information

  %direct =  $1

  %north = $wildtok(%direct, *n, 1, 32)
  if (%findn != $null) { %north = $gettok(%direct,%findn) }
  if (($len(%north) > 1) && (%north != $null)) { %nnum = $abs(%north) }
  if (($len(%north) = 1) && (%north != $null)) { %nnum = 1 }
  echo 4 %north

  %east = $wildtok(%direct, *e, 1, 32)
  if (($len(%east) > 1) && (%east != $null)) { %enum = $abs(%east) }
  if (($len(%east) = 1) && (%east != $null)) { %enum = 1 }

  %south = $wildtok(%direct, *s, 1, 32)
  if (($len(%south) > 1) && (%south != $null)) { %snum = $abs(%south) }
  if (($len(%south) = 1) && (%south != $null)) { %snum = 1 }

  %west = $wildtok(%direct, *w, 1, 32)
  if (($len(%west) > 1) && (%west != $null)) { %wnum = $abs(%west) }
  if (($len(%west) = 1) && (%west != $null)) { %wnum = 1 }

  ;Processing Information

  if (%north != $null) {
    %fwi = %nnum
    %fdo = $remove(%north,%nnum)

    while %fwi > 0 {
      echo 4 %fdo
      dec %fwi
  if (%east != $null) {
    %fwi = %enum
    %fdo = $remove(%east,%enum)

    while %fwi > 0 {
      echo 4 %fdo
      dec %fwi
  if (%south != $null) {
    %fwi = %snum
    %fdo = $remove(%south,%snum)

    while %fwi > 0 {
      echo 4 %fdo
      dec %fwi
  if (%west != $null) {
    %fwi = %wnum 
    %fdo = $remove(%west,%wnum)

    while %fwi > 0 {
      echo 4 %fdo
      dec %fwi

  unset %north %east %south %west
  unset %nnum %enum %snum %wnum

(using echo instead of sockwrite until I can get it to work...)

GigIRC Network Admin