Well, you'll need to have the script determine if the command is for the bot or not.

on *:text:!command *:#: {
  if ($2 == something that means it's for your bot) {
    inc %request.cnt

You'd have to figure out what !command * things your bot accepts and include them. Depending how your bot works, you might also use $istok instead of a lot of == comparisons. For a full script to be written from someone here, you'd need to list all possible commands that you want to track for your bot.

Then, just use this for the stats:
on *:text:!bot-stats:#: {
  msg $chan Total: %request.cnt incoming requests

For the 24 hour part, it will be more difficult. You'd basically need to have 24 different variables (one per hour of the day) and add them together (and reset the one you're on before you use it) and rotate through them over and over. It's not an ideal solution, but stats in a 24 hour block are a bit complicated.

Btw, you can also just have your bot /inc the counter whenever it PERFORMS a command rather than basing it on people typing the commands.

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