The problem with log filtering is having it use a "lifetime" word count. You'd have to filter a lot of log files. I'm not sure that's what he wants. I also don't think you can use filter to get the number of times on a single line without looping through all of the lines to count the number of times after filtering, which would be time consuming.

I do think a hash table is the best solution.

on *:start: {
  hmake WordList 500
  if ($isfile(wordlist.hsh)) { hload WordList Wordlist.hsh }

on *:text:*:#: {
  ; Make sure there is a hash table and that all data is loaded.
  if (!$hget(WordList)) {
    hmake WordList 500
    if ($isfile(wordlist.hsh)) { hload WordList Wordlist.hsh }
  ; Display word usage
  if ($left($1,8) == !wcount-) {
    var %word = $gettok($1,2,45)
    var %times = $iif($hget(WordList,%word),$v1,0)
    msg $chan %word was used %times $iif(%times == 1,time.,times.)
  ; Remove all punctuation and characters that are likely to be touching the words so something like "this." is treated as "this" .  Add any others you think are needed.
  var %cleaned.text = $replace($1-,.,$chr(32),?,$chr(32),!,$chr(32),-,$chr(32),_,$chr(32),$chr(42),$chr(32),",$chr(32),*,$chr(32))
  var %cnt = 1
  var %words = $gettok(%cleaned.text,0,32)
  while (%cnt <= %words) {
    hinc WordList $gettok(%cleaned.text,%cnt,32)
    inc %cnt
  hsave WordList Wordlist.hsh

If you want this to also work when the person/bot that has the script types something, then copy/paste everything in the on TEXT into an on INPUT. If you need help with that, let me know.

Also, you may decide that you don't want words counted if they are used as part of a command/trigger in the channel. For example, you might now want !ping to be counted if that command is allowed in your channel. If you want to prevent certain triggers (or all lines starting with ! or similar), let me know and I'll adjust it for you. !wcount will not count as a word that was used already.

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