hello anybody,

ok i've asked this before but never did get an answer or get this problem solved. this is what i have in my text file below.

/say 1,1 1,14=-==-==-==-==-==-==-=Bot Commands=-==-==-==-==-==-==-=1,1 
/say 12 $+ $me addown nick 15adds nick to bot list
/say 12 $+ $me delown nick 15removes nick from bot list
/say 12 $+ $me nick newnick 15changes $me $+ 's nick to newnick
/say 12 $+ $me ping nick or pingme 15ping checker
/say 12 $+ $me -level level 15removes user level specified
/say 12 $+ $me botlist 15shows whois in botlist
/say 12 $+ $me +/-lockdown 15enables, disables lock mode
/say 12 $+ $me +/-flyby 15enables, disables flyby
/say 12 $+ $me +/-pvtspy 15enables, disables $me $+ 's query spyer
/say 12 $+ $me listnicks inchannel outchannel 15shows nicks from channel to channel
/say 12 $+ $me +/-autokick nick 15adds, removes nick to and from autokicker
/say 12 $+ $me +/-autoban nick 15adds, removes nick to and from autobanner
/say 12 $+ $me +/-shitlist nick 15adds, removes nick to and from shitlist
/say 12 $+ $me +/-counter 15enables, disables auto counter
/say 12 $+ $me cycle 15does a quick part and rejoins current channel
/say 12 $+ $me join channel 15joins channel specified
/say 12 $+ $me part channel 15parts channel specified
/say 12 $+ $me +/-spy spychan spyresultchan 15enables, disables channel spyer
/say 12 $+ $me +/-away away reason 15sets $me on away and back
/say 12 $+ $me die 15disconnects $me *the bot*
/say 12 $+ $me system info 15show $me $+ 's system infos
/say 12 $+ $me calcualte equation and or math problem 15ie: calculate 1+1
/say 12 $+ $me controls 15shows bot controls
/say 12 $+ $me entertainment 15shows a list of entertainments
/say 12 $+ $me publiccmds 15shows public commands
/say 12 $+ $me logs 15shows log names and how many lines per log
/say 12 $+ $me readlog logname <number> 15reads log names starting from line specified
/say 12 $+ $me help 15shows $me $+ 's basic help
/say 12 $+ $me level <level> displays user(s) on specified level
/say 1,1 1,14=-==-==-==-==-===-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-=1,1 

and this is what i have in my remotes below

On 187:TEXT:$($me $+ *):*: {
if ($2 == commands) { play -[color:#FF0000]c
q1 $nick $mircdirCmds\Commands.txt 1400 | halt }

it works fine with # but when i replace # with $nick it still plays the text file to active channel instead of playing to $nick, is there a work around this? any help appreciated, thanks bunch.