If you are doing this from the script's mIRC (i.e. the bot), then you will want to use:
on *:input:*: {
  if ($1 == !setrules) {
    if (!$2) { echo -a Error: You need to include the rules/events with this command. }
    else {
      set %event $2-
      echo - a Event set to: $2-
on *:text:!rules:#: {
  msg $chan Today's event is: $2-

Or, if you want the command to work from somewhere other than the bot (the client with the script), use:

on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($1 == !setrules && ($nick isop $chan || $nick ishop $chan)) {
    if (!$2) { .notice $nick Error: You need to include the rules/events with this command. }
    else {
      set %event $2-
      .notice $nick Event set to: $2-
  elseif ($1 == !rules) {
    msg $chan Today's event is: $2-

As a note, feel free to look around at other clients, but remember that mIRC is the only one with really good script support. If you want that ability, then you'll want to stick to mIRC.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net