
Op works, but the others still don't work. Is there something else I need to change on each of the sounds? Here's what I have now:


; ~~~ IRC Events ~~~

on *:OP:*: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,OP) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,OP)) { splay $+(",$v1,") } 

on *:DeOP:*: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,DeOP) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,DeOP)) { splay $+(",$v1,") }

on *:HOP:*: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,HOP) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,HOP)) { splay $+(",$v1,") }

on *:DeHOP:*: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,DeHOP) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,DeHOP)) { splay $+(",$v1,") }

on *:Voice:*: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Voice) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Voice)) { splay $+(",$v1,") }

on *:DeVoice:*: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,DeVoice) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,DeVoice)) { splay $+(",$v1,") }

on *:kick:*: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,kick) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,kick)) { splay $+(",$v1,") }

on *:Ban:*: {
  if ($bnick == $me) || ($address($me,2) isin $banmask) {
    if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Ban) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Ban)) { splay $+(",$v1,")  }

  on *:Whisper:*: {
    if ($bnick == $me) || ($address($me,2) isin $banmask) {
      if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Whisper) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Whisper)) { splay $+(",$v1,")  }

  on *:Connect: {
    if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Connect) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Connect)) { splay $+(",$v1,") }

  on *:Disconnect: {
    if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Discount) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Discount)) { splay $+(",$v1,") }

  on *:Join: {
    if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Join) == 1 && $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Join)) { splay $+(",$v1,") }


Sorry about all this confusion, but I am really lost and appreciate all your help. smile

Thanks again