Hm.. it appears as though you cut and pasted this from another script. %e isn't defined, you have no closing }'s and what's dd supposed to be? Also, you don't need the isop check; @ does that automatically.
on @*:join:#: {
  if ([color:red]IP.IP.IP.IP[/color] isin $address($nick,2)) { 
    ban -ku300 $chan $nick 2

Replace the red with the IP or DNS Host.

Another option would be to use your user list and put everyone who is banned into there under a level of banned...

on @banned:join:#: {
  ban -ku300 $chan $nick 2

Use /guser or manually add the users to the user list.

Here is a /guser example:

/guser banned NICK 2

Just replace the blue with the person's nick if they are on the channel. If they aren't on the channel, you should either manually add it in the same format. Try /guser on someone to see how it is formatted and then set the format up the same way.

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